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Étiqueté : geoarchaeology

Measuring the past: A look into the history of relative sea-level variations on the coast of Alexandria

The ancient city of Alexandria was founded in 331 BC by Alexander the Great on the western edge of the Nile delta. This Egyptian-Hellenistic city was regarded as one of the main centres for Mediterranean trade...

Field investigation of an enigmatic 2018 tsunami in Indonesia

Context Indonesia is arguably one of the world’s countries most frequently hit by tsunamis. Indonesia is torn apart by tectonic forces that have dispersed its landmass into a maze of islands. The faults that crisscross the...

Où sont les mystérieux ports étrusques ?

Le long du littoral tyrrhénien, les sites portuaires romains du IIIe s. av. J.C., ont pour la plupart, bien été localisés. En revanche, aucune trace de structures portuaires d’époque étrusque (VIe. Ve s. av. J.-C.) n’a...