Textile, Fashion, and Gender Semiotic Studies in the Ancient Near East (2/2)
Part 2: Socio-cultural aspects of textiles and women
Part 2: Socio-cultural aspects of textiles and women
These two blogs, which will appear successively, report the preliminary results of three conferences I participated within the framework of “gender studies.” Kouzehgari, Z. 2022, “Textile as Social Status Marker: Textile and Collective and Individual Fashion...
Writing, which is considered the most advanced product of the development of human thought, was invented by the Sumerians in the 4th millennium B.C. Sumerian pictographic writing originally appeared as images. They expressed the existing situations...
Une grande partie de la céramique que les archéologues étudient soigneusement de nos jours aurait été rejetée dans les déblais sans état d’âme il y a seulement 50 ans : céramique grossière de cuisine, de stockage...
À la fin du Minoen Récent III B (ca 1200 av. n. è.), on assiste en Crète à un mouvement général d’abandon des petits habitats côtiers qui caractérisaient la période précédente au profit de collines situées...
The early lifestyle of people in ancient Sidon has been revived and brought back to life by a team of archaeologists showing to its full extent the richness of Lebanese heritage, culture and history.’ The Sidon...